Farmer leader Rakesh Tikait who was at the forefront of the farmers’ protest 2020 on Thursday said Gramin Bharat Bandh on February 16 is a new concept where villages will stop working. Farmers will not go to their land, there will be no agriculture-related work as labourers will also participate in this strike, the Bharatiya Kisan Union (Tikait) leader said. “This will show how many people are with us. Some shopkeepers in villages said they would shut their shops after lunch, some said they would open their shops after lunch — in whatever way everyone can participate,” Rakesh Tikait said. Bharatiya Kisan Union led the farmer’s protest in 2020 against the now-repealed three farm laws. They are not part of the ongoing ‘Chalo Dilli’ protest but are in support of the Gramin Bharat Bandh called by Samayukt Kisan Morcha raising farmers’ demands.
What is Gramin Bharat Bandh? Will cities not be affected?
{{^userSubscribed}} {{/userSubscribed}} {{^userSubscribed}} {{/userSubscribed}} Gramin Bharat Bandh will be observed between 6am and 4pm on Friday.
Discover the thrill of cricket like never before, exclusively on HT. Explore now!All village markets will remain closed.
Farmers will join a chakka jam on main roads across the nation from 12pm to 4pm.
There will be no agricultural works, MNREGA works on February 16.
No supply and purchase of vegetables or other crops will take place on Friday.
Government offices, banks and schools will remain open though people may face inconvenience because of the unavailability of transport.
Cities might be affected in regard to milk and vegetable supply. Transport will also be hit as central trade unions will also participate in the bandh. State buses might be off the road depending on whether the local union is participating in the bandh or not.
Bharat Bandh on February 16: Who are supporting the strike?
Several farmers’ unions and central trade unions are part of the strike. Rajasthan Congress said it will support the call. “Farmers have called for a bandh on Friday. The Congress has also decided to support the farmers’ strike call. We will remain with the farmers’ movement while ensuring that there is no violence, no damage to any government property,” Rajasthan Congress president Govind Singh Dostara said.
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