CAPCOM Reverts Resident Evil Revelations DRM Update After Huge Criticism

CAPCOM Reverts Resident Evil Revelations DRM Update After Huge Criticism


CAPCOM has reportedly reverted a Resident Evil Revelations update that brought in a digital rights management (DRM) through Enigma Protector.

This all started with a massive layer of review bombing on Steam, where users complained about the title facing multiple problems, such as performance degradation and crashes, especially in cases where modding was implemented. This resulted in over 200+ negative reviews for a decade-old title, and unsurprisingly, CAPCOM was quick enough to roll back the DRM update and issued the following message to all those Steam users who were frustrated by the studio’s decision:

Due to an issue observed with the latest update released, we have reverted the corresponding update. We apologise for the inconvenience caused, and once the issue is resolved, we will re-release the update. Thank you very much for your patience and cooperation.


The move was another occasion of CAPCOM going by their commitment to eliminate modding in their games, as the firm has described modding as a limitation while gaming on PC. However, the surprising fact here is that adding a DRM to an 11-year-old title is a weird move. At the same time, Resident Evil Revelations was not the first instance as the Japanese publisher had previously added the Enigma Protector DRM into Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection, Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective, Capcom Arcade Stadium and Arcade 2nd Stadium, Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection, Resident Evil 5, Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection, and Strider.

CAPCOM hasn’t made any further statement regarding the Enigma Protector DRM fiasco, and apparently, a representative from Enigma Protector has denied involvement in the matter. However, it has renewed the discourse surrounding DRMs on PC. Gamers have traditionally focused on Denuvo as a potential source of stuttering and performance issues, but now Enigma Protector might find itself under fire, too.

Was CAPCOM adding this new DRM to its older games before attempting to do the same with new ones? We’ll have to wait until their next release, Dragon’s Dogma 2 (out on March 22nd), to know for sure.

News Sources: Eurogamer, PC Gamer


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