Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Gujarat and Rajasthan on Tuesday. At around 9:15 am, Prime Minister Modi will dedicate and lay the foundation stone of multiple developmental projects worth over Rs. 1,06,000 crores at Ahmedabad. After this, PM Modi will visit Sabarmati Ashram where he will inaugurate Kochrab Ashram and launch the Master plan of Gandhi Ashram Memorial.
At 1:45 pm, PM Modi is scheduled to witness ‘Bharat Shakti’, a coordinated exhibition of indigenous defense capabilities in the shape of a Tri-Services Live Fire and Manoeuvre Exercise at Pokhran, Rajasthan.
PM Modi In Ahmedabad
In a significant boost to railway infrastructure, connectivity, and the petrochemicals industry, the Prime Minister will visit DFC’s Operation Control Centre in Ahmedabad to lay the groundwork and launch a host of railway and petrochemicals projects costing over Rs. 1,06,000 crores.
PM Modi will lay the groundwork for Railway Workshops, Loco Sheds, Pit lines/Coaching Depots, the Phaltan-Baramati New Line, the Electric Traction System Upgrade, and the dedication of two new sections of the Dedicated Freight Corridor between New Khurja to Sahnewal (401 Rkm) of the Eastern DFC and New Makarpura to New Gholvad (244 Rkm) of the Western DFC, as well as the Western DFC’s Operation Control Center (OCC) in Ahmedabad, according to PMO’s statement.
He will also inaugurate ten new Vande Bharat trains between Ahmedabad-Mumbai Central, Secunderabad-Visakhapatnam, Mysuru-Dr. MGR Central (Chennai), Patna-Lucknow, New Jalpaiguri-Patna, Puri-Visakhapatnam, Lucknow-Dehradun, Kalaburagi-Sir M Visvesvaraya Terminal Bengaluru, Ranchi-Varanasi, and Khajuraho-Delhi (Nizamuddin).
PM Modi In Sabarmati Ashram
PM Modi will unveil the renovated Kochrab Ashram. It was the first Ashram built by Mahatma Gandhi after arriving in India from South Africa in 1915. The Gujarat Vidyapeeth continues to preserve it as a monument and tourist attraction. The Prime Minister will also launch the Master Plan for the Gandhi Ashram Memorial.
Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel will join the Prime Minister at the “Ashram Bhoomi Vandana” event. According to a government announcement released on Sunday, the initiative intends to improve the infrastructure surrounding Sabarmati Ashram, offer visitors with cutting-edge services, and create a world-class memorial to Gandhiji.
PM Modi In Pokhran
PM Modi will witness a coordinated exhibition of indigenous military capabilities in the shape of a Tri-Services Live Fire and Manoeuvre Exercise in Pokhran, Rajasthan.
The exercise ‘Bharat Shakti’ will feature an assortment of indigenous weapon systems and platforms as a display of the country’s capabilities, based on the Aatmanirbharata program. It will simulate realistic, synergistic, multi-domain operations, demonstrating the Indian Armed Forces’ integrated operational capabilities in countering threats in land, air, sea, cyber, and space domains.
“Key Equipment and Weapons Systems participating in the exercise include T-90 (IM) Tanks, Dhanush and Sarang Gun Systems, Akash Weapons System, Logistics Drones, Robotic Mules, Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH) and an array of unmanned aerial vehicles among others, from Indian Army showcasing the advanced ground warfare and aerial surveillance capabilities,”reads the official statement.
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