Heroes of the Storm PTR Patch Notes

Heroes of the Storm PTR Patch Notes


Our next Heroes of the Storm patch has just hit the Public Test Realm and will be available for playtesting. As always, if you encounter any bugs during your PTR play sessions, please stop by the PTR Bug Report forum to let us know about your experiences.

Quick Navigation:

  • ARAM
  • Balance Update
  • Hero Updates
  • Bug Fixes



  • Varian is now classified as a Tank.

Same Hero Mode

  • Artanis has been added.
  • Hogger has been added.
  • Leoric has been added. (Leoric is still disabled for Normal Mode).
  • Whitemane has been added.
  • Zarya has been added.
  • Nova has been removed.
  • Probius has been removed.

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Balance Updates




  • Health Regeneration increased from 5.957 to 6.375.
  • Maximum Health increased from 2860 to 2980.
  • Death Coil [Q]

    • Healing increased from 262 to 285.

  • Frozen Tempest [E]

    • Mana cost per second reduced from 13 to 11.


  • Level 13

    • Biting Cold [E]

      • Damage increase is now additive.

  • Level 16

    • Embrace Death [Q]

      • Now grants an additive bonus to Death Coil’s damage.



  • Rage decay rate increased from 10 per second to 13 per second.


  • Level 1

    • On the Prowl [Active]

      • Activating On the Prowl now prevents Rage decay instantly.
      • Cooldown increased from 40 seconds to 45 seconds.
      • Healing per second reduced from 8 to 7.

  • Level 4

    • Brute Force [Q]

      • Damage bonus when enemy Heroes hit terrain reduced from 8 to 6.

  • Level 13

    • Dust Devil [E]

      • Duration increased from 3 seconds to 4 seconds.
      • Sub-50 rage Armor increased from 20 to 25.

    • Pummel [E]

      • Spellpower reduction reduced from 50% to 30%.



  • Steel Trap [E]

    • Cooldown increased from 12 seconds to 15 seconds.


  • Level 1

    • Extra-Wound Timers [Q]

      • Damage bonus reduced from 120% to 100%.

  • Level 7

    • Dirty Trickster [D]

      • Cooldown increased from 12 seconds to 20 seconds.



  • Basic Attack

    • Damage reduced from 115 to 110.
    • Ghost Wolf Basic Attack bonus decreased from 75% to 60%.

  • Lightning Shield [W]

    • Mana restored per enemy hit reduced from 2 to 1.


  • Level 1

    • Stormcaller [W]

      • Maximum stacks reduced from 300 to 200.

  • Level 7

    • Blood and Thunder [D]

      • Mana restoration reduced from 5% of max mana to 4% of max mana.

    • Grounded Totem [E]

      • Attack speed slow reduced from 25% to 15%.

  • Level 16

    • Earthgrasp Totem [E]

      • Damage reduced from 115 to 90.



  • Level 1

    • Maraad’s Insight [Passive]

      • Healing increased from 140 to 160.

  • Level 4

    • Aegis of Light [E]

      • Armor bonus increased from 30 to 50.
      • Duration increased from 4 seconds to 6 seconds.

  • Level 10

    • Sacred Ground [R2]

      • Cooldown reduced from 40 seconds to 25 seconds.
      • Mana cost removed.

  • Level 16

    • Templar’s Verdict [W]

      • Armor reduction reduced from 20 to 15.
      • Percent damage reduced from 7% to 6%.

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Hero Updates



  • Level 1

    • Ruthless Momentum [Passive]

      • Added a health threshold indicator.

  • Level 10

    • Deadly Charge [R1]

      • Added cast and channel bars.

    • Counter-Strike [R2]

      • Added cast and channel bars.



  • Quickcast Settings

    • Rapid Reload to shares Quickcast settings with Healing Dart.
    • Removed Cancel Eye of Horus.



  • Level 1

    • Lightwell [Active]

      • Added a button indicator for remaining activations.

  • Level 16

    • Renew [Q]

      • Added a duration indicator.



  • Level 4

    • Shield Surge [D]

      • Added to the Buff Bar.
      • Trait is now highlighted when below 25%.

  • Level 7

    • Final Cut [Passive]

      • Conditional part of the ability has been added to the Buff Bar.



  • Quickcast Settings

    • Removed Sacrifice Ghoul.


  • Level 4

    • Icy Talons [E]

      • Added to the Buff Bar.



  • Quickcast Settings

    • Removed self-cast Resurrect.



  • Quickcast Settings

    • Added the Bunker’s abilities.


  • Level 1

    • Adrenaline Stimpack [Active]

      • Added a health threshold indicator.



  • Quickcast Settings

    • Removed Cancel Slowing Sands.
    • Removed Detonate Time Trap.


  • Level 14

    • Quantum Overdrive [Active]

      • Added a duration indicator.

  • Level 20

    • Blessing of the Bronze [Passive]

      • Added a duration indicator.



  • Level 4

    • Heat Wave [W]

      • Added to the Buff Bar.



  • Quickcast Settings

    • Removed Cancel Stay Awhile and Listen.



  • Quickcast Settings

    • Removed Cancel Burrow.



  • Quickcast Settings

    • D.Va Mech’s Attack now shares Quickcast settings with other Attack Quickcast settings.
    • Removed Cancel Defense Matrix.
    • Retarget Defense Matrix now inherits Quickcast settings from Defense Matrix.



  • Quickcast Settings

    • Removed Rockstar.

  • Guitar Solo [E]

    • Added a duration indicator.



  • Level 7

    • Ogre Rampage [D]

      • Added to the Buff Bar.



  • Quickcast Settings

    • Removed Double Up.
    • Removed Seasoned Soldier.



  • Quickcast Settings

    • Removed duplicate Life Tap and Cancel Drain Life.



  • Level 13

    • Fleet of Foot [Q]

      • Added to the Buff Bar.



  • Quickcast Settings

    • Removed Cancel abilities.



  • Level 13

    • Holy Fury [Passive]

      • Added to the Buff Bar.



  • Quickcast Settings

    • Removed Detonate Mine.
    • Removed RIP-Tire abilities.

  • Frag Launcher [Q]

    • Added a pulsing red/blue indicator to grenades empowered by Extra-Wound Timers.


  • Level 10

    • RIP-Tire [R1]

      • Added a range indicator for full damage.



  • Level 10

    • Disintegrate [R1]

      • Can now be cancelled by pressing Stop or Hold Fire.



  • Quickcast Settings

    • Attack now shares Quickcast settings with other Attack Quickcast settings.



  • Level 1

    • Hippity Hop [Z]

      • Will now show on the Buff Bar while active.

  • Level 7

    • Splintered Spear [Q]

      • Added to the Buff Bar.

    • Wild Vigor [W]

      • Added to the Buff Bar.

  • Level 13

    • Endless Spores [W]

      • Now causes the Crippling Spores button to pulse when activating it would grant reduced cooldown.

  • Level 16

    • Accelerated Contamination [Q]

      • Now causes the Noxious Blossom button to glow when the cooldown is recharging faster.

    • Invigorating Spores [W]

      • Added to the Buff Bar.

    • Star Wood Spear [W]

      • Added to the Buff Bar.



  • Level 20

    • Seeker Swarm [R1]

      • Added a range indicator.



  • Level 16

    • Ysera’s Gift [Q]

      • Added a health indicator.

  • Level 20

    • Lunar Shower [W]

      • Added to the Buff Bar.



  • Portal [E]

    • Added remaining duration to button.



  • Level 1

    • Third Wind [D]

      • Added a health threshold indicator.



  • Quickcast Settings

    • Removed Cancel March of the Murlocs.


  • Level 1

    • Fish Eye [D]

      • Added a range indicator for Fish Eye once the Respawn Egg has been placed.



  • Level 16

    • Lurking Terror [Active]

      • Added an activation timer.



  • Talents are now sorted in tier order in the Buff Bar.
  • Blood Rage [W]

    • Added UI indicator for Blood Rage’s heal value.


  • Level 13

    • Chainsaw [Q]

      • Added to the Buff Bar.

    • The Hunted [Passive]

      • Added to the Buff Bar.



  • Quickcast Settings

    • Molten Core’s Sulfuras Smash now shares Quickcast settings with Ragnaros’ Sulfuras Smash.


  • Level 20

    • Submerge [Active]

      • Added a healing preview.



  • Added a sound indicator to Dance of Death.
  • Quickcast Settings

    • Removed Cancel Bladestorm.
    • Removed duplicate Critical Strike.

  • Image Transmission [Trait]

    • Disabled while there are no Mirror Images active.
    • Now removes targeting when there is only one active Mirror Image.

  • Mirror Image [Q]

    • Added guide indicators to their targeting.

  • Wind Walk [E]

    • Added Healing over Time preview.


  • Level 4

    • Deflection [D]

      • Updated to display its remaining duration while active.

  • Level 16

    • Press the Attack [D]

      • Added to the Buff Bar.



  • Shambling Horror [Trait]

    • Added a duration indicator.



  • Quickcast Settings

    • Removed Cancel Lurking Arm.


  • Level 1

    • Reactive Ballistospores [W]

      • Added a health indicator.

The Butcher


  • Quickcast Settings

    • Removed Fresh Meat.

  • Butcher’s Brand [W]

    • Added a duration indicator to the button.


  • Level 16

    • Enraged [Passive]

      • Added a health indicator.

The Lost Vikings


  • Slowing Charge [Olaf]

    • Cooldown now displays a circular indicator around his shield in The Lost Viking’s Hero status.



  • Quickcast Settings

    • Attack now shares Quickcast settings with other Attack Quickcast setting.
    • Removed Locked and Loaded.
    • Run and Gun while Overkill is active shares Quickcast settings with Run and Gun.



  • Level 16

    • Darnassian Archery [Passive]

      • Added a duration indicator.



  • Level 4

    • Holy Fire [Passive]

      • Added to the Buff Bar.

  • Level 16

    • Beacon of Light [Q]

      • Added a health threshold indicator.



  • Quickcast Settings

    • Removed Cancel Vanish.


  • Level 10

    • Smoke Bomb [R1]

      • Button now has a duration indicator.



  • Level 7

    • Second Wind [Passive]

      • Added a health threshold indicator.



  • Quickcast Settings

    • Removed Cancel Inquisition.

  • Zeal [Trait]

    • Now has a duration indicator while active.



  • Level 13

    • Rapid Harvest [W]

      • Added to the Buff Bar.



  • Quickcast Settings

    • Removed Seeker in the Dark.


  • Level 4

    • Psionic Strength [Passive]

      • Added the stack count to the Buff Bar.



  • Quickcast Settings

    • Removed duplicate Cancel Berserker.
    • Removed duplicate Regeneration.


  • Level 1

    • Recklessness [Passive]

      • Added health threshold indicators.

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Bug Fixes


  • Added XP Value to Death Recap.
  • Fixed an issue that caused location targeted abilities to be cancelled by conveyor belts.
  • Fixed an issue that caused talent text to be truncated on hero select screens.
  • Talents Quests updated to display quest progress at the caster if the triggering enemy is out of vision.
  • Updated Homescreen and Startup Music.
  • Updated Time Stop to display above all other effects in the health plate.
  • Fixed display issues with some Block talents.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Heroes with non standard height to cause target-facing effects to face the incorrect location.


  • Blackheart’s Bay

    • Updated coin warning indicator to be consistently colored.

  • Cursed Hollow

    • Fixed an issue that caused Cursed Hallow Call for Help ability warning to display incorrectly.

  • Warhead Junction

    • Sewers are now clickable while they are in the fog of war.
    • Warheads now interact with physics objects.


  • Abathur

    • Level 10

      • Ultimate Evolution [R1]

        • No longer plays quest progress visual effects.

    • Level 16

      • Volatile Mutation [R]

        • No longer displays an empty icon in the Death Recap.

  • Alarak

    • Telekinesis [W]

      • Fixed an issue that caused Telekinesis to not interact with map objects.

  • Alexstrasza

    • Level 10

      • Cleansing Flame [R2]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Cleansing Flame to cast at the incorrect location.

  • Anduin

    • Can once again hold his sword high and proud.

  • Anubarak

    • Fixed an issue where the AI was not using Locust Swarm.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Anub’arak’s abilities to not interact with map objects.
    • Burrow Charge [E]

      • Impoved the visibility of the erupt location indicator.

    • Level 10

      • Cocoon [R2]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Cocoon to not properly hide things attached to the target.

  • Artanis

    • Fixed an issue that caused some of Artanis’ abilities to not interact with map objects.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Arthas’ abilities to not interact with map objects.
    • Phase Prism [E]

      • Fixed an issue that caused Phase Prism to not properly detect structures after the target becomes Time Stopped.

  • Auriel

    • Detainment Strike [E]

      • Terrain impact will now always display as a crit.

    • Level 7

      • Empathic Link [D]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Empathic Link to grant Hope when an ally deals damage to themselves.

    • Level 13

      • Piercing Lash [E]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Piercing Lash to not hit multiple Heroes with Detainment Strike.

  • Azmodan

    • Fixed an issue that caused Azmodan’s abilities to not interact with map and physics objects.
    • Summon Demon Warrior [W]

      • Fixed an issue that caused Demon Warriors to leave permanent burning visuals if killed at the moment they spawn.

    • Level 1

      • Wrath [Q]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Wrath to increase damage of Wrath’s marker.

    • Level 7

      • Bombardment [Q]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Bombardment to increase damage of Wrath’s marker.

  • Brightwing

    • Level 4

      • Unstable Anomaly [W]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Unstable Anomaly to leave behind a permanent visual.

    • Level 10

      • Emerald Wind [R2]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Emerald Wind to not interact with map objects.

    • Level 20

      • Invisible Friends [R1]

        • No longer displays an empty icon in the Death Recap.

  • Cassia

    • Level 7

      • Surge of Light [D]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Surge of Light to not destroy map objects.

    • Level 13

      • War Traveler [D]

        • Instant mount is now more responsive.

  • Chen

    • Level 10

      • Wandering Keg [R1]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Wandering Keg to cease targeting the mouse cursor if another Chen’s Wandering Keg expires.
        • Will now actively target the mouse cursor instead of targeting the mouse cursor only when its position has changed.

      • Storm, Earth, Fire [R2]

        • Earth’s damage is now Physical.

  • ChoGall

    • Fixed Gall’s damage not gaining all benefits from Cho’s buffs.
    • Level 4

      • Rising Dread [W]

        • No longer causes the third bounce of Dread Orb display as a crit.

    • Level 7

      • Double Trouble [Q]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Double Trouble’s quest completion to not stack with Twilight Frenzy.
        • Fixed an issue that caused Gall to lose the benefits of Double Trouble’s completion after Twilight Frenzy expires.

  • Chromie

    • Level 7

      • Bronze Talons [Q]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Bronze Talons visuals to persist after Chromie’s death.

    • Level 11

      • Here and There [Active]

        • No longer dismounts or decloaks when used.

    • Level 16

      • Quantum Overdrive [Active]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Quantum Overdrive visuals to persist after death.

  • Deathwing

    • Fixed an issue that caused Deathwing to be a valid ping target in the party frame while Dragonflight is active.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Deathwing to enter an invalid state if the target of his landing becomes invalid.
    • Level 7

      • Death Drop [Z]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Death Drop to not reduce all forms of Spell Armor.

  • Deckard

    • Fixed an issue that allowed Deckard to dance without incurring movement restriction.
    • Level 13

      • Ancient Blessings [D]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Ancient Blessings to not heal the attacker when dealing damage to enemy Heroes that are immune to friendly abilities.

    • Level 20

      • Morenados! [R2]

        • Fixed an issue that caused the cooldown reduction to be prevented when Lorenado hits a non-Hero.

  • Diablo

    • Shadow Charge [Q]

      • Terrain impact will now always display as a crit.

    • Fire Stomp [W]

      • Now combines damage text.

  • D.Va

    • Fixed an issue that caused some of D.Va’s abilities to not interact with map and physics objects.
    • Self-Destruct [E]

      • Fixed an issue that caused D.Va’s Mech to continue moving if it was Rooted when Self-Destruct was cast.
      • Fixed an issue that caused Self-Destruct to not feature a pulse animation when fully charged.
      • Starts decaying in damage after 4 range.

    • Big Shot [R]

      • Fixed an issue that caused Big Shot to hit Invulnerable enemies.

    • Level 20

      • Ablative Armor [D]

        • Now includes damage dealt to D.Va’s Shields.

  • Fenix

    • Level 13

      • Dampening Field [D]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Dampening Field to not grant Spell Armor against all sources.

  • Garrosh

    • Into the Fray [1]

      • Fixed an issue that caused Into the Fray to display as Lok-tar Ogar! in Quickcast menu.

    • Level 7

      • Lok-tar Ogar! [1]

        • Now display as an active upgrade instead of a passive.

  • Genji

    • Swift Strike [E]

      • Adjusted color display for Swift Strike refund timer on the button.
      • Fixed an issue that caused Swift Strike’s mana refund to be displayed for the killed enemy player.

    • Level 4

      • Strike At The Heart [E]

        • Fixed an issue with Genji’s Strike At The Heart text.

    • Level 13

      • Way of The Shimada [E]

        • Now only causes Genji’s attacks to display as a crit at 10+ stacks.

    • Level 16

      • Final Cut [E]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Final Cut’s damage to not be modified by any damage modifiers.

  • Gul’dan

    • Level 1

      • Chaotic Energy [W]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Chaotic Energy to not increase the healing of Regeneration Globes by the correct value in ARAM.

    • Level 13

      • Healthstone [Active]

        • No longer dismounts or decloaks Gul’dan.

    • Level 16

      • Ruinous Affliction [E]

        • Third strike damage now displays as a crit.

  • Hanzo

    • Fixed an issue that caused weapons to fire multiple times when used in conjunction with select abilities.
    • Scatter Arrow [W]

      • Now combines damage text.

    • Level 16

      • Giant Slayer [Passive]

        • Bonus damage from Scatter Arrow will now combine damage text.

  • Hogger

    • Rage has been added to the Hero page.
    • Staggering Blows [Q]

      • Fixed an issue that caused Staggering Blows to not interact with map objects.

    • Ez-Thro Dynamite [W]

      • Will always display as a crit on direct hit damage.

    • Level 4

      • Brute Force [Q]

        • No longer causes Loot Hoard to display as a crit.

  • Imperius

    • Level 10

      • Angelic Armaments [R1]

        • Will combine damage text with Heavenly Host.

  • Junkrat

    • Level 10

      • RIP-Tire [R1]

        • Starts decaying in damage after 1.5 range.

  • Leoric

    • Level 7

      • Willing Vessel [W]

        • Now displays as a crit.

  • Li Li

    • Fast Feet [Trait]

      • Adjusted color display for duration indicator.

    • Level 10

      • Jug of 1,000 Cups [R1]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Jug of 1,000 Cups’ cooldown to be increased while in Stasis.

    • Level 13

      • Gale Force [E]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Gale Force to not properly increase Blinding Wind’s duration.

  • Lt. Morales

    • Level 13

      • Bedside Manner [E]

        • Proc bonus now displays as a crit.

  • Lunara

    • Nature’s Toxin [Trait]

      • Now acts similarly to other heals.

    • Level 13

      • Abolish Magic [Active]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Abolish Magic to not reduce the duration of Silences, Fears, and Taunts.

  • Maiev

    • Level 1

      • Bonds of Justice [W]

        • No longer causes attacks to display as crits when using Umbral Bind.

    • Level 4

      • Blade Dance [Q]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Blade Dance to not grant stacks of Vengeful Knives.

    • Level 10

      • Containment Disc [R1]

        • Removed Silence display while Time Stopped.

  • Mal’Ganis

    • Level 13

      • Blood Rush [D]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Blood Rush to activate from Healing Fountains and Regeneration Globes.

  • Malthael

    • Level 13

      • Shroud of Wisdom [Active]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Shroud of Wisdom to not grant Spell Armor against all sources.

    • Level 20

      • Angel of Death [R2]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Angel of Death to be affected by Spellpower modifiers.

  • Mei

    • Level 20

      • Cascade [R1]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Cascade’s Snow Blinds to Blind for less duration than untalented Snow Blinds.

  • Nazeebo

    • Zombie Wall [W]

      • Updated zombies to face inside the Zombie Wall when created.

    • Level 20

      • Annihilating Spirits [R2]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Annihilating Spirits healing reduction to display floating text multiple times.

  • Nova

    • Holo Decoys [E]

      • Will now move towards uncollected Experience Globes if they are idle.

  • Orphea

    • Fixed an issue that caused weapons to fire multiple times when used in conjunction with select abilities.
    • Level 4

      • Chaotic Assault [Trait]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Chaotic Assault to not apply while Orphea has 3 stacks of Chaos.

    • Level 13

      • Invasive Miasma [Trait]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Invasive Miasma to hit dead Heroes.

    • Level 20

      • Eldritch Conduit [Trait]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Eldritch Conduit’s visuals to persist after death.

  • Probius

    • Disruption Pulse [Q]

      • Fixed an issue that caused Disruption Pulse to hit targets hit by previous Disruption Pulses.

    • Level 4

      • Photon Barrier [D]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Photon Barrier to display while Probius is dead.

    • Level 10

      • Pylon Overcharge [R1]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Pylon Overcharge to not properly grant Pylons Invulnerability.

  • Qhira

    • Grappling Hook [Trait]

      • Adjusted Grappling Hook guide and terrain indicator to match its cast range.

    • Level 13

      • The Hunted [Passive]

        • Fixed an issue that caused The Hunted to lose stacks when hitting a non-Hero.

  • Raynor

    • Level 20

      • Sergeant Pepper [Trait]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Sergeant Pepper to not properly apply if selected while at 0 stacks of Give Em’ Someo.

  • Rehgar

    • Fixed an issue that caused duplicate entries in the Death Recap.
    • Level 13

      • Wellspring [E]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Wellspring’s beam to not appear when the heal occurs.

  • Rexxar

    • Fixed an issue that caused Rexxar and Misha to not share their Healing Fountain healing with each other.

  • Samuro

    • Level 4

      • One With The Wind [E]

        • Fixed an issue that caused One With The Wind to display a duration while Wind Walk is active.

    • Level 7

      • Crushing Blows [W]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Crushing Blows to be located in the wrong location in the Buff Bar.

  • Sgt. Hammer

    • Level 16

      • Giant Killer [Passive]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Giant Killer to damage Invulnerable targets.

  • Sonya

    • Fury [Trait]

      • Adjusted the color display for remaining duration on the button.

  • Stitches

    • Level 16

      • Digestive Juices [E]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Digestive Juices to not display a damage preview.

  • Stukov

    • Level 1

      • Fetid Touch [W]

        • Fetid Touch’s ranged attack no longer displays an empty icon in the Death Recap.

  • Tassadar

    • Level 7

      • Psionic Echo [W]

        • Adjusted color display for Psionic Echo indicator on Shock Ray button.

  • The Butcher

    • Fixed an issue that caused Butcher’s charge to be cancelled prematurely.
    • Level 13

      • Cleaver [Passive]

        • Can now trigger while Blinded.
        • Now heals if the cleaved-to-target has The Butcher’s Brand.

    • Level 20

      • Fires of Hell [R1]

        • No longer displays an empty icon in the Death Recap.

  • Thrall

    • Feral Spirit [E]

      • Fixed an issue that caused Feral Spirit to hit Invulnerable non-Heroes.

    • Level 13

      • Frostwolf’s Grace [D]

        • No longer dismounts Thrall.

  • Tracer

    • Level 20

      • Composition B [R]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Composition B’s outer radius to not gain the benefit of Quantum Spike.

  • Tyrande

    • Sentinel [E]

      • Fixed an issue that caused Sentinel to pierce incorrectly.

  • Uther

    • Holy Radiance [W]

      • Displays as a crit when Uther has Spellpower bonuses.

    • Level 16

      • Beacon of Light [Q]

        • Only causes Holy Light to display as a crit when under 50% health.

  • Valeera

    • Deep Shadows duration indicator will now fill, rather than empty.
    • Level 4

      • Wound Poison [Active]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Wound Poison to display floating text multiple times.

  • Valla

    • Multishot [W]

      • Fixed an issue that caused Multishot to not apply all hit effects when hitting enemies inside Valla’s space.

    • Level 13

      • Gloom [Active]

        • No longer displays an empty icon in the Death Recap.

  • Varian

    • Level 13

      • Mortal Strike [D]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Mortal Strike to display floating text multiple times.

  • Whitemane

    • Zeal [Trait]

      • Fixed an issue that caused Zeal’s active visuals to persist after death.

    • Searing Lash [E]

      • The second strike always displays as a crit.

  • Xul

    • Level 20

      • Mortal Wounds [Q]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Mortal Wounds to display floating text multiple times.

  • Yrel

    • Fixed an issue with abilities causing all players to highlight enemies.
    • Avenging Wrath [E]

      • Fixed an issue that caused Avenging Wrath’s VFX to display incorrectly.

    • Level 10

      • Ardent Defender [R1]

        • Increases Yrel’s Self Healing when it prevents damage to her.

  • Zarya

    • Fixed an issue that caused Basic Attacks to not damage enemies in the cleave area if the primary target dies to the attack.
    • Level 7

      • Deep Burn [Q]

        • Fixed an issue that caused Deep Burn to display the incorrect floating text value.

  • Zul’jin

    • Fixed an issue that caused duplicate entries in the Death Recap.
    • Level 1

      • Recklessness [Passive]

        • Adjusted position in the Buff Bar.

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